Bueno, para no ser menos que Míster Calajan, os dejo un chisteciyo malo, malo:
Había en un pueblo un padre exageradamente orgulloso de su mujer por haber tenido seis hijos. Taaaaan orgulloso que la llamaba "madre de seis", lo cual a ella le molestaba muchísimo.
Un día que se encontraban en una boda le grita el esposo para que todos escucharan:
Buenos dias a todos/as:
si....yo.... yo te lo cuento..... el chico blanco se muere por que no tiene exito el trasplante de corazon y encima le amputan el brazo derecho y se lo trasplantan al cirujano negro, que tiene el brazo inerte. una intervencion que dura dos episodios, increible que operacion realiza VILCHES, pero lo que mas me gusto es como lo celebran todos en la tasca de jamon, de los serranos. Increible........ja ja ja ja ja ja ja es broma.....no lo se estoy tan intrigado como tu.
Ahi va eso, dos chistes malos: ¿ a ver quien los supera?
¿Sabes que cada hombre que hace el amor con mi mujer se queda sordo?
Dos madres hablan de sus respectivo hijos:
-.Tengo un hijo mas tonto !
-.Pues anda que yo !
Los dos hijos se acercan y dice la madre 1:
-.Anda Marianico vete a casa a ver si estoy.
Y el niño se va. Y dice la madre 2:
-.Anda Santiaguico toma esta peseta y cómprame una T.V. en color y el niño también se va.
Durante el camino se encuentran los dos y dicen:
-.Tengo una madre mas tonta!
-.Pues anda que yo!
-.Fíjate la mía me manda ir a casa a ver si esta y no me da la llave.
-.Pues fíjate la mía que me da una pela para comprar una T.V. en color y no me dice de que color la quiere.
pues, si buscas la serie en ingles, ya sabes, grey´s anatomy, tendrás alguna pistilla... claro en america van mas adelantadillos y..... verás que hablan sobre.. izzy, depresión, luto, funeral.. denny... lo pillas? :((((((( buaaaaaaa! un chistillo porfavor!!
Time Has Come Today | Air Date: 09/22/2006
It's the day after the prom and everyone is worried about Izzie, who is still mourning Denny. She just lies on the bathroom floor of the house and refuses to eat or change out of her prom dress.
Cristina tells Meredith she's the best candidate to go comfort Izzie, because she's "dark and twisty."
Miranda stays with Denny's body until the funeral home picks him up. There won't be a funeral, at his family's request. Before he's wheeled off, she tells him, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Meredith confesses to Cristina that she snuck off from the prom and slept with Derek, but that she has no idea where things stand between them.
Adele makes an appointment with Richard, saying it's the only way to see him. She offers an ultimatum: Retire or she's leaving him.
Omar and his wife, Giselle, come into the E.R. She was driving them both to the hospital for severe flu when she passed out at the wheel. Omar is running a high fever and it turns out he was exposed to someone with bubonic plague. Quarantine is immediately declared.
Estaba un borracho en una esquina, cuando una mujer pasa caminando, el borracho la observa y le dice:
¡Adiós fea!
La mujer indignada se da media vuelta y le dice:
El borracho con una sonrisa le dice:
Sí, pero a mí, mañana se me pasa.
I Am a Tree | Air Date: 09/28/2006
Izzie is coping with her grief by baking muffins nonstop. George tries to appeal to Miranda to talk to Izzie, but she won't listen.
Cristina surprises Burke in his hospital bed by stripping down to her lacy red underwear -- just as his parents arrive for a visit.
Cristina agrees to meet the mother in the cafeteria for a chat, but first begs Burke to get her out of it. Mrs. Burke says she assumes that Cristina intends to follow a less time-consuming career path if she expects to marry her son. While Burke is getting coffee, Mrs. Burke tells Cristina she's selfish for getting him out of bed and that's why their relationship won't last long. Stung by the criticism, Cristina stops by that night on her way home, and asks them both if they need anything.
When Miranda sees Meredith's panties pinned to the lost and found board, she's furious -- and sure they belong to either Meredith or Cristina. Callie comes to their rescue by pretending they are hers, which causes George to become insanely jealous. Meredith offers to tell George the truth, but Callie says she loves him being jealous.
Va un cura corriendo porque lo persigue un león de repente el cura se arrodilla y dice:
Señor, te pido que este león se vuelva cristiano.
El león se arrodilla y dice:
Señor, bendice estos alimentos que voy a consumir.